An illustrated children's book that tells the true backstory of how the instagram pups @darcyanddaisy met.
Before there was Darcy and Daisy, there was only one dog in the house on the hill; a sweet little puppy named Darcy. You'll meet Darcy's brother BigRed, a grumpy old cat, Skittles the hamster who lives his life in a bubble, and the human sister who won't stop dressing him up as a princess. Darcy will learn all about what is takes to be a good foster brother to two baby kittens who were rescued from the streets. And when Christmas comes this year.... he might just get the best present ever.
"The Christmas Puppy"
How Darcy Met Daisy
Written by Karin Hoving
Illustrations by Alycia Pace
Darcy & Daisy Enamel Pin